Underground Coal Mining Hand Notes Mining Engineering BE/BTech |
Underground Coal Mining Hand Notes
# Syllabus :-
Important Terminology, Development, Size and Shape of The Pillar and Galleries, Panel System and
Without Panel System of development, Size of Panel, Cycle of Operations, Depillaring: Problems in
Depillaring, Preparatory Arrangements, Depillaring by Stowing, Depillaring by Caving Methods, Pillar
Extraction Techniques, Dangers Associated With Depillaring. Production calculation.
# Text Books :-
- 1. Elements of Mining Technology (Vol. 1 & 3): D. J. Deshmukh
- 2. Coal Mining: R.D.Singh
- 3. Modern Coal Mining: Samir Das
# Reference Books : -
1. Mining Engineer's Handbook (Vol. 1&2), 2nd Edition: Edited by Harold Hartman
2. Introduction to mining: Hartman
Unit - 2 UCM
Team Mining World |