Underground Coal Mining Hand Notes Mining Engineering B.E./B.Tech. (MN) |
Underground Coal Mining Hand Notes
# Syllabus :-
UNIT-IV MINING UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS: Mining of steep seam, Mining of thick
seam, Sublevel Caving, Blasting Gallery Method. Problem in thick seam mining. Mining of Contiguous
Seams and Steeply Inclined Seam, Mining of Seams Prone to Spontaneous Heating & Bumps, Mining of
seam below water bodies, extraction of shaft Pillar.
# Text Books :-
1. Elements of Mining Technology (Vol. 1 & 3): D. J. Deshmukh
2. Coal Mining: R.D.Singh
3. Modern Coal Mining: Samir Das
# Reference Books :-
1. Mining Engineer's Handbook (Vol. 1&2), 2nd Edition: Edited by Harold Hartman
2. Introduction to mining: Hartman.